Day 11 – Another Good Day!

Mary here…This has been a good day. I lost another pound! I’m now 164..started at 171.5, so I’m pleased with my progress. Last night I walked our dogs for about a mile..felt so good. Tonight I’m going on the elliptical machine for 20 minutes. I’m so appreciative to Christine who’s been making our juices today, as I’ve been editing…It really helps when you are doing a fast with another person.

I’ve been thinking lately about how many people in the US are overweight or obese. I noticed yesterday at the farmers’ market that there were probably over 80% obese people. It’s a real problem and I’m so hoping that by our taking care of ourselves through this juice fast, we can inspire others to try it too. It’s not about losing weight folks. It’s about loving yourself enough to get healthy. Most of us have had a crappy childhood, which is why most of us don’t really treat ourselves well. But here’s the good news…We do not have to hold on to the past anymore! We are living in the now..and now is a terrific place to begin. So think about what a wonderful person you are, and take care of healing yourself. You can do it. If I can, you can too. I let myself become overweight because I lost my (high-paying) job several years ago, and sank into a fear-based place. This stems from my childhood, coming from a family with an alcoholic father, and three brothers. I was lost in that household..never got normal attention from my parents because the focus was always either on my father’s drinking, or my brothers who were constantly in trouble. I am only now beginning to tap into my Divine being…(lots to share about this in future blogs..stay tuned!). Now is the perfect time for me to love my body, mind and spirit. For anyone out there thinking about trying this, feel free to contact me or Christine, as we are here for YOU!

Christine here…well it’s rather late and I’m not feeling tired. This juice is just giving me crazy amounts of energy, although I am feeling very calm. I upped my elliptical training to 30 minutes today and walked about a mile with the dogs. So far I’ve lost 7 pounds, down from 164 to 157, and almost 2 inches in my waist. As Mary said, now that we have a keen awareness of what it means to be obese, having a body mass index greater than 30, we have really been noticing just how many people easily fall into that category and way beyond. One in three people in the United States is obese. Obesity is the number one cause of most of our health problems, or “diseases of affluence” as they are called in the book “The China Study”. The culprit…the Standard American Diet (SAD). I read in “The China Study” that in the countries with the poorest people who live mostly on a vegetarian diet diseases of affluence such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes are practically non-existent. These diseases of affluence are all related to the consumption of animal products. I’m feeling more and more as I’m doing this juice fast that we need a lot less food that we consume and we don’t need to eat animal products at all. In fact, animal products are making us sick! The evidence is in black and white and it’s all around us! A plant-based diet heals, more on that in the coming blogs…

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