Day 22 Got blood tests taken

Christine here…Today we finally went to get a full blood panel taken, so we could have some kind of reference markers for after the fast when we get more blood taken. We actually had a hard time finding a lab that would accept an Rx from Dr. Rogers, since he practices in Mexico. He does this because he is actually curing cancer and other diseases and if he tried to practice here in the US the FDA would take his license away. Sounds screwy doesn’t it? Anyway, we finally found a lab that would take our blood under Dr. Rogers’ orders, Quest Diagnostics. We’re looking forward to getting the results, which we will share with you when they come in. I’m actually excited to do a comparison at the end of the fast. Since it took much longer to get our blood taken than we thought, it threw off our juicing schedule and we ended up only having 3 juices today. I’m feeling pretty tired and hungry, and I gained a half pound today, oy!  Think I’ll go to bed now…

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