Day 19

Christine here…Went to the chiropractor this morning and my back feels much better. Then came back home for more juice. I do sort of feel chained to the juicer…it’s my lifeline for the next 41 days.  I’m looking into a juicer that grinds the veggies and fruits, rather than cutting with a blade. If anyone knows which juicers are good please let me know!

Mary here… Honey, does this pic make you feel a little better? I hope so. Thank you for all the hard work you are doing to keep us on track. I absolutely could not do this alone.

I had a really tough day today. I’ve been feeling hungry, my stomach is growling constantly and the idea of 41 more days is making me sick!  Also, I haven’t lost weight in two days! I had two wonderful conversations with two friends, who both put me right back on track. first was Tracy, who reminded me that tomorrow we will be one third of the way there! I hadn’t even thought of that. She suggested that I ‘tap into’ the conscious part of my being and ask it for help in communicating to the other parts of me, the parts I call the ‘3D’ parts..the ego, the physical and the mind. It’s amazing how our minds can try to sabotage us at a moments notice. Eckhart Tolle speaks alot about the ego conscious. Its fear is that it will no longer exist. I think I experienced this today. I was so caught up in feeling bad and feeling frustrated that I forgot to be appreciative of just what a terrific thing I am trying to accomplish here. I am literally loving myself into perfect health! And I need to also appreciate that I have come this really is pretty amazing. The second person I spoke with who really helped me was our friend, Clare. She is soooo sure that we can do this, that she has me convinced! Clare also told me about how she was sick every day for 15 weeks during one of her pregnancies…15 weeks! Oy… that set me straight. I think it’s so important that anyone doing a juice fast like this one have the support of friends and family. I get so frustrated when I hear about moms and wives who are wanting to get healthy but their families don’t step in to support them!

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