Day 44

Christine here…I’m really feeling the changes to my body. I’m 22.5 pounds down. I haven’t weighed this little since college. It feels really great when my friends and people I haven’t seen in a while notice the change. Now I’m only afraid I’m going to have to get rid of all my clothes and start over. There’s not much in my closet that fits now. I guess that’s not such a terrible problem to have. It’s really like a miracle to me and I would love to be the example that it really is possible to lose the weight that you’ve been carrying for years and be as slim as you were at one time in your life. It’s also possible to be vibrantly healthy at any age.

Mary here…  I agree. Plus it feels so good to be lighter! The other night when we were walking the dogs, I was aware of how much easier it felt to whip through the 1 mile walk. When we got home, I had to remind myself that we had even done the walk! I have to stay focussed on these positive things, as I’m having a difficult time these days. I’m very hungry, and I have to admit, I’m getting sick of the juices. I don’t want to discourage anyone wanting to do this. On a deep fast like this, everyone will have their own personal experiences. I think this is just the home stretch blues. 🙂

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