Day 37 Travelling and juicing don’t mix!

Christine here…Well we’re back from our business trip and boy was it difficult to be without our juicer! We were actually able to find fresh squeezed grapefruit and orange juices at the airports during our layovers, and we found a vitamin shop in Port St. Lucie, where our meeting was, where we could get carrot juice, and a vegan restaurant for a green juice. But the places were not always convenient to our location or schedule so we were not juicing consistently the way we are used to. We tried to drink a lot of water to compensate for the lack of juices. Also, the morning was the toughest as our hotel did not serve fresh squeezed orange or grapefruit juice, but the pasteurized kind that comes in a container. Strange for being in Florida! We did drink those in the morning, but could really taste and feel the difference between fresh juice with live enzymes and the packaged kind. The conclusion…don’t travel during a juice fast if you can help it!

One comment

  • Laura Parasiliti-Rebeschi

    Loved watching all of your youtube videos about juicing. I know that it won’t be easy, but I started my juicing fast today. It’s great that you have each other to do this fast. I am alone for the next 5 days. I have two daughters away at camp and my son and husband went hiking – so I thought it was a good time not to be aggravated by the family and just juice. When I’m successful, I will probably make myself a t-shirt saying that! JUST JUICE! Thanks again!

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